TEAMS Middle School Model
Our TEAMS Middle School model support active learning classrooms in grades 6-8. TEAMS connect the core subjects of English/Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies, using a Thematic and Project-Based approach. A common group of students are assigned to one of three Teams, rotating among the English/Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies classrooms throughout the day.
The “TEAMS” classrooms work best when they incorporate Student Learning Stations to accommodate multiple modalities for learning a particular skill or concept. Station rotation can happen either prior to or after whole group instruction and may include concentration on technology-based learning, written work, independent learning, and hands-on learning. Teachers will work with small groups of students, offering intervention, challenge or individual assistance as needed. The TEAMS rotation is based on the length of the thematic unit, including whole group instruction, station work, project work, whole group review, reflection, and assessment.
STEAM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, and Mathematics. CBA’s STEAM includes rigorous academic expectations aligned with State standards, but also many fun and hands-on projects and activities. The STEAM program integrates Inquiry and Project based learning, where students are challenged to develop and create their own learning outcomes. STEAM Students are challenged to identify local and global problems and develop viable solutions through research and collaboration, which will include designing and constructing.
Since technology is a critical facet to the STEAM program, students will be issued Laptops to be used daily in order to access much of their learning. STEAM Students will be role models and ambassadors for Camelback Academy. As such, they are expected to exhibit excellent character and student leadership.